Company Information About Quiz What Is Your Learning Style? The key to efficiency in learning is relying on the techniques that naturally suit you the best. We all have one or two dominant learning styles and using them could save us lots of time when we are studying. You are only a few clicks away from finding out how your mind is set when it comes to adopting new knowledge, so hop on! I agree with all Terms and Conditions* I agree with all Terms and Conditions Yes 1. Which of these studying tools do you find the most helpful? * Pencil and notebook Colorful stickers and sticky notes Sound recorder Any type of experimental equipment 2. Which of the following do you find the best for remembering new things? * Writing down the most important stuff Putting everything in a chart, table or some other organized form Repeating stuff out loud Trying everything empirically 3. Which of these book types do you prefer? * I’m not picky. I can read anything, from dusty library books to e-books. I love encyclopedias, especially if they have lots of explanatory photos or illustrations. I’m mostly into audio books. Uh, I’m not really into books that much. I prefer learning in vivo. 4. Which of the following arts do you relate to the most? * Literature Fine arts Music Film/theater 5. You’re about to present your knowledge in front of an audience and you have the option to choose how you will do it. Which of these options is yours? * I write a paper/article and read it in front of the audience entirely. I support my talking with a PP presentation, video clips and images. I take the oral exam approach, allowing the audience to join the discussion. I come up with a game or other fun activity for everyone. 6. You’re attending an interactive workshop. It encourages all the participants to join the activities but it’s not necessary. What’s your decision? * I’m staying aside, watching others interacting and making my notes for later. If it’s something creative and unusual, I’ll definitely jump in. If the interaction makes sense, I’ll join. I’m also cool with the option of staying aside and listening to others. It really depends on many stuff. Of course I’m in! Interactivity is totally my jam. 7. When you meet a new person, you always remember… * Your conversation Their face The sound of their voice Your overall interaction 8. You urgently need some shampoo but the shop is out of your favorite brand. How do you pick the new shampoo? * I read the labels carefully I just figure out which design I like the most I ask someone for a recommendation I pick the one which is similar to the one I regularly use 9. You’re on a vacation in a foreign country and you’re about to eat in a restaurant. You’ve never tried anything from the menu. How do you pick your meal? * Based on the ingredients Based on how tasty the meal looks I take something that sounds familiar to me I just try anything. I’m into food experimenting anyway! 10. Which of these school subjects do you like the most? * English Art History Chemistry 11. You’re studying in a library and you find a word you don’t know. What do you do? * I look it up in a dictionary I try to visualize it and figure out what it reminds me of I spontaneously say it out loud or ask someone to explain it to me I analyze it semantically 12. You’re starting a course and you need to use a new software for studying. What’s your way to get familiar with it? * I read the instructions I follow the icons and stuff and figure it out on my own I play a tutorial or ask someone for some guidelines I click the hell out of it until I understand everything 13. Which of these social media do you like the most? * Twitter Instagram YouTube Facebook 14. Think of some of the happiest moments of your life. What’s the first thing that comes to your mind? * Some lines and conversations The location, people’s faces, my clothes and how everything looked A song or sound atmosphere Literally everything, from how I felt to what I did 15. And finally, how do you start your day (except eating your breakfast)? * Reading news Watching TV or something on YouTube Listening to some music or even playing it Exercising or at least stretching